I love technology.
I spend so much time on the computer that my daughter is worried that
when I retire, I will never leave my office
chair. My current job involves much technology training and when at home, I like to research my family history. I have websites - both personal and professional and
run three blogs.
However, in therapy, I question maximizing the use of
technology when working with young children. As an SLP who worked
primarily with the early childhood population, I know there are so many good reasons
not to use technology.
When working in the early childhood classrooms, I often used
technology to introduce a lesson; usually a PowerPoint book using simple language and targeting
specific concepts. If I had an iPad or an interactive whiteboard at the time, I am sure that I would have used those. My student's were usually engaged and participating; however, they were no less engaged when I pulled the toys and other items out of my bags.
When planning therapy and want to use that new app, pair it with a toy or hands-on activity. If you use your Promethean or SmartBoard daily, make sure that you introduce the concepts using real objects as well.
Toys can be inexpensive or free. Garage sales are great places to find toys and friends with children are often more than happy to loan toys. Before I had children, I would write a request to borrow specific toys on the board in the teacher's lounge - puzzles, a farm toy, etc. The next day, I always had more than I needed.

When planning therapy and want to use that new app, pair it with a toy or hands-on activity. If you use your Promethean or SmartBoard daily, make sure that you introduce the concepts using real objects as well.
Toys can be inexpensive or free. Garage sales are great places to find toys and friends with children are often more than happy to loan toys. Before I had children, I would write a request to borrow specific toys on the board in the teacher's lounge - puzzles, a farm toy, etc. The next day, I always had more than I needed.

If you need some toy ideas, visit this great blog, Playing With Words 365 for her four part series Top Toys & How They Can Support Speech & Language Development - Part One
Part Two Part Three Part Four
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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