Tuesday's Treasure Box: 100 Book Reviews
I just noticed that books4all, the book review page at all4mychild | Collaborative Tools and Technologies, has reviewed 100 books. It appears that most reviews are submitted by SLP, Meghan Gallahan Graham; however, there is a form to complete for those of you who are interested in submitting a review.
Most reviews include the a brief description, age or level of the book, goals addressed, reasons the reviewer enjoys the book, and ideas for use. Goals addressed and ideas for use make lesson planning easy.

I would love to see a link to a list of the books reviewed. You can go to the Pinterest board for books4all, but only about half of the book reviews are pinned. However, you can search by goal or theme - see the tags posted on the right.
The most recent review, I Am Invited to a Party by Mo Willems, included links to several websites and apps related to the them. This book and many of the other books reviewed are good resources when addressing social situations in therapy.
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